
Highlights & New Acquisitions Summer 2023

For the coming summer, we present you a special selection of the iconic novel of French and youth literature - The Little Prince, who celebrates his 80th anniversary this year, as well as some new additions to the 香港六合彩官网开奖 Library collection.

You may head to our Online Catalogue to check out more. To take a look at the new items, simply select "New acquisitions". Or, better still, come to the Main Library at Jordan Centre (1/F, 52 Jordan Road, Kowloon). 

For any enquiry, welcome to contact us at or at 2738 2712.

Le Petit Prince - The Little Prince Le Petit Prince - The Little Prince

Le Petit prince

Joann Sfar

In a new stunning comic version illustrated by Joann Sfar, the original story has been brought to life with bold colours and whimsical characters. This faithful adaptation added a new dimension to the story, while capturing its timeless charm and poignant messages about the human conditions.

For anyone who wants to rediscover the wonder and magic of childhood. Coupled with sparse and simple dialogues, this book is particularly suitable for A2+ level learners.

Saint-Exupéry (Tome 1-3)
Pierre-Roland Saint-Dizier & Cédric Fernandez

The comic series is an adaptation of the life of the French writer and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry in graphic format. Apart from being the literary father of "Le Petit Prince", he was also a pioneer of aviation and wrote several other renowed books.

This biographical series traces his adventures in life, from France to the Sahara and Argentine, across dangers and wars, and into utter solitude and the creative world.

Le Petit prince -
Les Nouvelles aventures
(Tome 1-3)


The 24-volume comic albums are published in parallel with an animation series on France 3. A team of creative minds revisited the Prince's story and brought him to 24 unknown planets to save the galaxies from the reign of evil.

In the Library, the 3 volumes correspond to his adventure in the planets of wind (La Planète des éoliens), of the Firebird (La Planète de l'oiseau de feu), and of music (La Planète de la musique).

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

A much easier way to delve into the life of the writer Saint-Exupéry. A part of the Quelle Histoire series dedicated to important historical figures, this little book traces his life in chronological order, with clear and concise wordings most suitable for French learners - kids, teens, and why not adults?

Le Petit Prince
(Lectures ELI)
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Want to read about the original story but not sure about your French proficiency? This abridged and simplified version, adapted to A1-A2 level French learners, is not to be missed.

The book not only is rich in illustrations, but also provides small grammar and vocabulary activities at the end of each chapter to help readers better follow the narrative. 

Le Petit prince
(Original et bilingue)

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Ready to read the original novel? Ultimately, we cannot not read it if we are to talk about it in details.

Apart from the French original version, there are also bilingual versions : a French-English reader and a French-traditional Chinese reader,.

Comics - Art et Museums Comics - Art et Museums

Dedans le centre Pompidou-Metz
Charlie Zanello

Having worked six years for the bookstore of Pompidou-Metz centre, the author had connections with plenty of people of the art milieu: artists, collectors, exhibition curators, tourists, etc. He narrates his experience as a bookseller with humour and reveals the behind-the-scenes life of the museum. 

La Traversée du Louvre
David Prudhomme

“Because how many museums, as the Louvre, could gather people from such a diversity of backgrounds to satisfy their desire of studying?”

The author, alongside us, wanders in the corridors of the Louvre, and observes the men and women observing the masterpieces. They are audience of the works, and he is - or we are, the audience of them.

Les Sous-sols du Révolu
Marc-Antoine Mathieu

"The Louvre is THE museum", says Marc-Antoine Mathieu. It is the undefined poem of Mathieu. He would take you to the depth of the museum, to another dimension of reality. We would together explore the hidden depths of the museum, and measure the immeasurable, and imagine the unfathomable...

Films - Classics Films - Classics

Au Hasard Balthazar
Robert Bresson

Struggle, pain, humiliation, suffering and death - or is it life? The movie portrays the inhuman attitude of men towards animals, especially the donkey Balthazar. Despite his powerlessness, he accepts his fate nobly.

This film is a profound masterpiece from one of the most revered filmmakers, Robert Bresson. Through Bresson’s unconventional approach to composition, sound, and narrative, this simple story becomes a moving parable about purity and transcendence.

Le Boucher
Claude Chabrol

In the village of Thémolat, a butcher Popaul fell in love with Hélène, the headteacher of the school - an improbable relationship between a working class man and a repressed teacher. In the meantime, a murder spree is taking place in the area… How will that all play out?

This is a film by Claude Chabrol, a famous French director and a prominent figure of the French New Wave (la nouvelle vague).

Une Belle Fille Comme Moi
Fran?ois Truffaut

A young sociologist, Stanislas Previne, is preparing a thesis project on woman criminal, among which Camille Bliss is one of his interviewees. She is accused to have murdered her lover and her husband. Is Camille innocent? Will Stanislas help her out?

This love and crime intrigue is one of the lesser known films from Truffaut.  

Kids & Teens Kids & Teens

La Maison la Nuit

Joub & Nicoby

In one particular house, things are happening at night. Troubles, mischiefs and pranks.

On every floor there's a story. Birds, a cat, some mice, and phantoms and monsters who seem to be enjoying themselves all night long in the apartment. Bedtime for the human residents maybe, but not for them.

This story was performed as a shadow play at this year’s Francophonie Festival (la fête de la Francophonie).  If you missed the show, here’s the chance to explore the mystery inside the house.

Au Fil de l'eau : une aventure de Pitt le lapin
Karine Yoakim Pasquier, Lorena Chan

The little rabbit stares at the moon, thinking about his sister of whom his parents are proud. He wants his parents to be proud of him too.

Suddenly, he dropped into the river and started to flow along. What next for him?

This book is a collaboration between Karine Yoakim Pasquier, a swiss author based in Hong Kong, and designer/illustrator Lorena Chan. The Chinese edition of the book is also available in the Library.

Social Sciences Social Sciences

3 minutes pour comprendre les 50 plus grandes théories économiques
Donald Marron

Liberal capitalism, monetarism, game theory... it is for sure that you have heard of some. But do you really understand what they actually mean in the real world?

This book by economist Donald Marron may help! With a single image, 2 pages and 300 words each time, these seemingly difficult theories and concepts are explained to the readers in a more than comprehensible manner. 3 minutes every time, it's what it asks for, and it definitely worths your time.

香港六合彩官网开奖 With the Alliance Fran?aise de Hong Kong

Want to learn more about French literature and French films? Check out our French courses and workshops, including one on Discovering Cinema (Découvrir le Cinéma) and French Literature (Littérature)

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